
Monday, December 28, 2009

What $20,000+ looks like

E got the statement from the insurance company today. $20,000 for just the hospital fees and the OB's fees. That doesn't even include anything having to do with my epidural!!
But, I guess its the cutest $20,000 I've ever seen. :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It may not seem like much

I stepped on the scale yesterday for the first time since baby I was born a week ago. Honestly, I've been avoiding it. I didn't want to be disappointed. I was planning to wait until my 4 week post birth check. But, I was curious. And I'm not very patient.

I've lost 16 pounds. It may not seem like much considering I had a 7lb baby, LOTS of amniotic fluid, and a placenta that are all missing. But, I've also gained about 5 lbs in each breast. :) Seriously, though. It means I only have 16 lbs to lose.

16 lbs is the least amount of weight that I have had to lose in any of my pregnancies. After having a weight loss goal of 40 lbs after having Olivia, 16 lbs doesn't seem like much.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Isaac Daniel's birth story

I went into my dr. appointment monday afternoon having contractions. I thought they were just the regular "practice" contractions. I was checked by the OB and I was dilated to 4cm and was 70% effaced (which was a change from 3 cm and 50%). She stretched me and said that she thought that she'd see us in labor and delivery that evening. I really didn't think I'd go into labor, since it was a bit earlier than I went with my other two babies.

On the way home from the OB, my contractions started getting stronger. I decided to take the kids for a walk around the neighborhood to see if they would continue. While I was walking, they were definitely keeping up. By the time E came home, I was having them every 3-5 minutes with significant pain. I think that was about 4:30.

I made dinner for E, but by the time it was out of the oven, I was sick to my stomach with the contractions. We called my MIL around 6 to tell her to go ahead and head over to watch the kids. By the time we made the transfer with the kids and made it to the hospital, it was around 7.

Our local L & D isn't infamous for being speedy. E and I walked the halls for over an hour before they took us back to our room. We requested a wireless monitored room, and we got one that had the equipment in it. Unfortunately, the equipment wasn't working right. But, they kindly let me do intermittent monitoring. So, I was on the monitors for 15 minutes and off for 45.

Once we did the initial 15 minutes of monitoring, they went ahead and checked me. Still 4 cm and 70% effaced. Baby was at a -2. I wasn't discouraged, though, because I knew that something had to be changing soon!

During those off 45 minutes of monitoring, E and I walked the halls, walked in our room, bounced on the ball, etc. Trying desperately to get the baby to move down and open my cervix. My contractions were getting stronger, but not necessarily closer together. The nurse checked me several other times, with very little progress. The nurse said that the dr. would be in in the morning and she would likely break my water.

At 3am, my OB had another patient who walked in (dilated to an 8. sheesh!) and she came in and checked on me. At this point, I was only dilated to 6cm. We started to think that the extra amniotic fluid was preventing the baby from putting pressure on my cervix to help dialate it. So, I consented to having my water broken.

We *knew* there would be a lot of fluid. But, its hard to describe HOW MUCH fluid there actually was. It just kept coming. It was, in the moment, a bit of needed comic relief. 1 hr later, the nurse checked me again. Crap! Still at a 6, a tad more effaced, but baby still at a -2.

This is the point where things start to get off of my "ideal birth". Baby boy's heart rate was doing funky things on the monitor, and my contraction monitor didn't seem to be picking up ANY of the contractions. Since the external monitors are notorious for being unreliable, we did an internal monitor. I've never had an internal monitor put in with out an epidural. I have to say that this may have been the most painful part of the entire process.

Once the internal monitors were in, I could no longer get out of bed. This is pretty much the point in my labor that I started to panic. I couldn't find a position to relieve the intense pain, and I was swearing, screaming, praying through every contraction. Poor E tried to help, but I was really past that point. I waited until 5 am. I asked the nurse to check me again. If I was still at the exact same spot I was when they broke my water, I was getting an epidural. She checked me. Still the same.

Here's the crazy part. I thought that I'd be disappointed with myself for getting the epidural since I wanted to go with out pain medications. However, looking back, it was a very smart decision on my part. I hadn't had sleep in over 24 hrs, and I was physically and mentally exhausted. Considering the fact that the baby wasn't born for another 4.5 hrs, I think it was a good decision, indeed!

I rested on and off until about 8:30. I started to get super sick to my stomach with every contraction (even though they didn't hurt). After my epidural, I declined getting cervical checks because I decided I didn't want to be discouraged any more. When I started getting sick, the nurse said it was time to get checked.

At 9 am, she checked me and I was 9cm dilated, baby was a +2. She came back 30 minutes later and I was complete. She called the OB and asked if we should do practice pushes. She said "sure. I'll run in if I have to".

I pushed through one contraction and the nurse told me to stop and not push. While she called in Dr. C to tell her to run, it literally felt like my body was pushing the baby out with the contractions. Dr. C ran in, got her things on, and told me to push. I pushed through one more contraction and Dr. C started talking about getting an episiotomy since I was tearing pretty bad. However, baby boy had other plans. The next contraction he was born. With out the episiotomy, but complete with lots of tears.

Dr. C put the baby on my chest to wipe him off. I absolutely adore that part! It was the best feeling in the whole world! The funny part is that he peed coming out, he peed getting weighed, and he peed getting suctioned. Then, before we went up to our room, he pooped in the blankets!

Baby I is doing so well. Our family is slowly adjusting to having another family member. A and O and I are all sick, ,but with different things. So, baby I and I have been holed up in our bedroom trying to avoid contact with the big kids. But, we are so in love with our newest little man. He is such a miracle!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

He's here!

Baby I (Isaac) joined us outside of the womb on December 15th at 9:43 am. He proudly shares a birthday with his daddy, only 29 years apart. Baby I weighed 7lbs 6 oz and was 20 inches long. I promise to post our birth story soon!

But, for now, we're still in the hospital and I've had limited access to E's computer (with all of the security measures etc, he has to be in the room with me when I use it). Unfortunately, our household is under some kind of viral attack. O has been having random night time fevers, I started with a horrible sore throat and head ache today, and A has a 103 temperature right now. I guess MIL is starting on something as well. baby I and I plan on being holed away in our bedroom. This is one time I wish we had cable...

Monday, December 14, 2009

A note to the one residing in my uterus

Dear baby boy:

As your momma, I am officially giving you permission to come out. Your brother and sister are dying to meet you. Your daddy is anxious to see what you look like and if you have hair (my official guess is he'll be a baldie). As your mommy, I'm anxious, not only to meet you, but to be done with the pregnancy related aches and pains as well as the kidney stone thing.

As I head to the OB later this afternoon, I want you to keep this all in mind. We want to meet you. You can come out now. We love you. :)

Your very tired and very pregnant mommy

Thursday, December 10, 2009





Grumpy (we see this face a lot in the mornings.)

Another happy

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

trimming the tree

Okay, so I hate candid photos of myself. This picture being the reason...

What my dad and brother did to "help".

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"snow" day

On Saturday morning, O came running into our room bright and early (E was supposed to be letting me sleep in since I lost about 5 hrs due to contractions I had the night before. Somehow he ended up sleeping in A's room and A slept until 8!) like always. She leaned over into my face and said, with a big grin on her face, "mommy!! there's snow outside! Real snow!"

As soon as A and sleepy head E woke up, we rushed outside. Here in Alabama, snow doesn't last long (thankfully!) By 10 am, it was pretty much all melted.

E making a snow ball- which he then threw at me.

Our snow man

I have come to the conclusion that snow is still too cold for me. Even if it is only a 1/2 an inch. Yes, I grew up in Michigan. Where it was absolutely frigid. But, there are reasons E and I decided to move down here 5.5 years ago. Its warmer here. :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

A post in mind

I had a post in mind. One in which I was going to upload pictures from our Christmas tree decorating, my family's visit, and some other random stuff. But, I'm tired and sort of in a foul mood. That post will just have to wait.

I'm getting super ready to have this baby boy. Everything hurts. My body hurts because its pregnant. My kidney hurts because it has a stone. With out going into further depth about my aches and pains, I'll stop there.

I've been a nervous wreck, too, if baby boy doesn't move the way he's supposed to. I'm scared that something is going to happen and we won't bring this little guy home, either. I know that in all likelihood, we will. I know that I should cast my cares upon God. But, its really hard to let go...

Anyway, a cheery, happy post is on the horizon. I promise.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A day full of baby news!

I'll start off with my appointment, it was extremely loooooooooong. I got into my u/s right away. got to see baby boy, but not much of his face. He was down pretty low and was super content to have his hand and arm around his face pretty much the whole entire time. The u/s tech was getting frustrated with him since she needed to measure his noggin and he wouldn't let her get a good picture. She said that she measured generously and he was measuring in at 6lbs 4 oz (which is in the 50% for 36 weeks gestation). She also said that I had a good bit of amniotic fluid. On the higher end of the normal range. Even higher if you consider that most people's fluid levels are much lower at 36 weeks. Let's just hope my water doesn't break at home, right?

In case we were a little fuzzy on the gender, (which we were NOT!) here's another money shot!

Turns out that last week, my OB was being "generous" when she said that I was 1/10 of the way there. Turns out, I was only a "finger tip" dilated last week. I was 1.5 to 2cm today! Now, we just wait and hope my body continues this lovely pattern. :)

Now, onto the most exciting news in my opinion: one of my favorite people gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this morning. My friend, Devan, went in at 5 to be induced. They didn't start the pitocin until after 6:30. The dr. came in at 9:15 to break the water. Baby girl, Lila, was born at 10:51. Here's a picture of the sweet babe.

I just missed watching miss Lila come into the world. I had an ultrasound at my dr. (thankfully, the hospital and my OB's office are connected!! I got to visit a little bit before my appointment and after my appointment before going to pick up the kids.) and had to leave about 25 minutes before she was born.

My friend Devan rocked this birth, though! All natural, pain med free, and that's WITH pitocin folks! She said it hurt pretty bad. But, luckily, or unluckily for her, there would've been no time for any pain medication anyway. As it was, the nurse delivered baby Lila! I told her that I can only dream of a birth that fast for my next babe.