
Monday, December 7, 2009

A post in mind

I had a post in mind. One in which I was going to upload pictures from our Christmas tree decorating, my family's visit, and some other random stuff. But, I'm tired and sort of in a foul mood. That post will just have to wait.

I'm getting super ready to have this baby boy. Everything hurts. My body hurts because its pregnant. My kidney hurts because it has a stone. With out going into further depth about my aches and pains, I'll stop there.

I've been a nervous wreck, too, if baby boy doesn't move the way he's supposed to. I'm scared that something is going to happen and we won't bring this little guy home, either. I know that in all likelihood, we will. I know that I should cast my cares upon God. But, its really hard to let go...

Anyway, a cheery, happy post is on the horizon. I promise.


Elizabeth said...

Do not worry too much. God holds your child in his hands. *hugs*

Chelsa said...

i totally understand about being scared you won't be able to bring this baby home too- i feel the exact same way.

d e v a n said...

Aw, Tracy. Hang in there! You are so close and you'll be holding that sweet little guy very, very soon. Is there anything I can do to help? You were such a huge help to me, I want to help you too!