
Thursday, November 11, 2010

I heart baby carriers

The short and sweet of it- I love them.  I don't know how some of you moms out there live with out them, honestly.  I'm not being judgemental at all, I'm just telling you I could not live with out them.  Not kidding.

Today, The Zekester has been sick.  It started last night, in the wee hours (when all sickness seems to start, no?) with croup.  Fun times.  He, apparently, feels pretty miserable.  So miserable, that he doesn't want the love of his life (me) to put him down.  Ever. 

Normally I save my baby carriers for stores or going for walks.  But, today, I broke out a carrier, threw him up on my back and went to work doing chores.  Just like when he was a tiny little baby, except he is heavier, and he was less in the way since he was on my back.

It seems as though my little guy likes my slings/carriers, too. When I put it on, he lifted up his hands immediately. He knows what's coming next, and he likes it. Baby, he likes it.