
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My little A man

A's teacher talked to me after preschool today. She said that A is a "hoot" and "cracks her up continuously through out the day". I guess today he was making all kinds of silly faces on the potty. When the teacher asked him why he wasn't going pee he said "I'll wait and go at home for mommy. I'll hold it." Then she proceeded to tell me about how different he is than Olivia (who was in her class last year). She said that he often just stops what he is doing, comes over to her and says the funniest stuff. Just to make her laugh.

We've noticed around here lately, that A's been a ham. He is always trying to joke, be silly, or make funny faces. We can almost always get him to stop throwing a fit by being silly. The other night, he was all worked up because I wouldn't leave his closet light on. I started singing the wrong words to Twinkle Twinkle, and he started laughing and got over the light deal. Its quite nice, actually, to have that option. When O's in a fit, well, its best to just leave her be.

Oh, gotta go. Little man is waking up from naps. He's calling my name.


Mama2Boys said...

that's so cute! C and J are so different too, it's always so amazing to see how close they are although they are almost nothing alike (they don't even look alike!)


d e v a n said...

cute! He & (my) O sound a lot alike. I always swear that O is going to be the class clown.

T- said...

Adorable! They are such little characters.

Unknown said...

Funny ... he LOOKS like he'd be a stinker!